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HUA Law Firm
Address:A707, Xinyu Business Building, No. 90 Guangqumen Inner Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China
Cangzhou office
Address:Science and technology park of hebei university of technology, high-tech zone, cangzhou city, hebei province
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Patent Prosecution
发表时间:2019-04-11     阅读次数:     字体:【

Hua’s patent practitioners are highly qualified and hold advanced degrees in a variety of technical and scientific fields including computer sciences, semiconductors, integrated circuits, telecommunications, electronics and electrical engineering, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and genetics, chemistry and chemical engineering. In addition to their scientific backgrounds, Hua’s patent attorneys have long-standing working relationships with the examiners at the Patent Office and the Patent Reexamination Board of China. Hua’s practitioners also have experience working with foreign patent offices, especially those of theUnited StatesandJapan. In both domestic and international applications, Hua’s attorneys will always work to secure the broadest patent rights possible, even when given limited disclosure materials. Whether during registration, appeal, re-examination, or re-issue, Hua’s attorneys will work diligently to ensure the fullest recognition of its client’s patent interests.

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